Representing Illinois:
Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra
IPO Innovate – Multi-faceted Approach to Partnerships
IPO’s catch words are Invent, Innovate, Imagine.
Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra is an innovative and approachable classical music champion. We are at the forefront of rewriting musical history through the presentation of “new” masters including female composers, composers of color, and other composers who have been underrepresented in classical music for far too long. Our top notch musicians are as committed to making our community more vibrant as they are to delivering stellar concerts. Through this effort, IPO is reaching a wider range of people in new and innovative ways.
Recent programing under the IPO Innovate umbrella:
– February 2019 Multi-media science themed concert. Concert featured Aurora Borealis and NASA footage filmed by Jose Francisco Salgado of KV 265 and set to the beautiful score of Canadian Composer John Estacio’s “Aurora Triptych: Solaris, Borealis, & Wondrous Light.” Additional programming included students of Trinity Christian College’s Education College visiting local elementary schools and providing hands on lectures bridging the fields of science and music to k-8 students; 6-8 graders presenting a “Music & Science Fair” in the lobby of the concert; Interactive lecture for middle schoolers at the Homewood Science Center presented by IPO trombone player Andrew Rosza and concerning the metallurgical properties of different trombones.
– “Bowmakers” Midwest movie premiere, Q&A with the film director, bowmaker, film musician and IPO principal cellist Jacob Hanegan, and “Dinner and a Movie” partnership with a local caterer (Dunnings Market in Flossmoor, IL) [meals were hand delivered to people’s homes so they could watch the movie and enjoy the dinner from the comfort of their homes]
– IPOgrams connecting musicians to donors during the pandemic. Over 130 phone calls were made to donors by IPO musicians. Each call included a brief hello and introduction, followed by 3-5 minutes of music playing. DONORS LOVED THIS
– Check OUT IPO – library program partners IPO with 33 local libraries to offer free tickets to IPO concerts to library patrons.
– In 2023 we are working with Anima Glen Ellyn Children’s Chorus on a new Co-commission setting the poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks’ “Bronzeville Boys and Girls” to music for orchestra and treble chorus. We are partnering with area schools to highlight the connections between music and poetry.
Together, these events and programs are how IPO is “making new inroads into our community, bridging music with other disciplines”
Music is about people and here at IPO we attempt to bring in more people through innovative and multi-faceted programming that bridges the unnecessary divide between classical music and the wider world. This efforts promotes inclusion across socio-economic, generational, and racial diversity (among other things)

Waveform Media, Inc.; Chicago Federation of Musicians, local 10-208 A.F.M.
Click to View Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra’s Video Performances