Representing Missouri: Missouri Symphony Preludes at the Pubs THE STORY: Preludes at the Pubs was a program started in the fall of 2020. We saw a necessary partnership emerge as many of our local restaurants were deeply impacted by COVID-19, as were we. We decided to...
Representing North Dakota: Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Orchestra Symphony Rocks THE STORY: Symphony Rocks began ten years ago to showcase the FMSO to audiences who might not attend traditional classical concerts. It is a collaboration with a local 12-piece horn band with...
Representing South Carolina: Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra Hilton Head International Piano Competition THE STORY: On March 14, 2020, the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra performed the finals concert of the International Piano Competition. The next day, live music shut...
Representing Oklahoma: Tulsa Symphony Spotlight on Tulsa Symphony THE STORY: Tulsa Symphony resonates throughout the Tulsa community and Northeastern Oklahoma as the professional orchestra that educates, entertains, and inspires through creative and innovative...
Representing Ohio: Toledo Symphony Orchestra Forces of Nature: Toledo Symphony Celebrates Metroparks Toledo VIDEO SPOTLIGHT: COMMUNITY IMPACT: Metroparks Toledo and Toledo Symphony enhance the quality of life in Northwest Ohio and have both been respites for residents...
Representing Massachusetts: Lexington Symphony Orchestrating Kids Through Classics THE STORY: The Orchestrating Kids Through Classics (OKTC) Program Each year, every Lexington third grader and thousands of children from greater Boston hear a real live orchestra, learn...